UPCOZE® is one of the few alcoholic beverage brands in the market to obtain a Nutrition Facts Testing. Health, quality and safety is our priority.

Many people argue that red wine is the healthiest amongst all alcoholic beverages because it is low in alcohol and contains resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that provides protective benefits for the heart, brain and body.
If so, can drinking wine give us health benefits?

Yes, if consumed in moderation. To elaborate a little bit on that, the antioxidants found in wine are polyphenols, which are compounds found in plants. One polyphenol in red wine that is of interest to scientists is resveratrol, which may have benefits including protection for your brain, heart, and body. However, any alcoholic beverage when consumed in excess can be harmful to your health. So for wine, stick to one or two glasses and avoid crossing the limit of moderate drinking.

*UPCOZE® Wine Product – Nutrition Labelling (Malaysia Format) and other analysis is done by an accredited testing laborotary based in Kuala Lumpur. Any actual disclosure of analysis test reports will be strictly and solely at our discretion.

Because We Care.